Everything's Pink

To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Delta called.... ETK, I'm believing what you say about them.... our flight to ATL has some changes. The flight out is just a time change; instead of leaving at 2:20, we now leave at 2:00 and arrive at 5:07. No big deal.

Then the girl starts in on the flight back... departure time change from 4:50 to 5:05 (again, no big deal). All I heard next was "the flight has been picked up by our blah blah blah blah blah." It was greek to me. So I asked if that was one of those little hopper planes, and she didn't say ANYTHING for the longest time! Finally she spoke up and said, "It's a 70 passenger". "Yeah," I said, "one of those little hopper planes!"

So now I'm trying to figure out if I want to fly on one of those. I'm thinking not. I'm already so terrified to fly, I get car sick driving just a few hours away, and the motion of the bathtub is enough to make me puke. Isn't that little plane going to bounce / rock / move around a whole lot more than a larger plane? Isn't it going to fly lower in the sky? Isn't it going to go slower? HELP! What should I do?

I asked my "o-so-smart" representative if I could change my flight without penalty and she did say yes. So I can choose between an earlier flight.... leaving at around 3:00, but that means we won't have as much time to hang out on Sunday before we leave. Or a later flight.... leaving at around 6:00-ish, but that means we won't get home until 10:00 or so and it will be a school night.

So how is traveling on one of those little hopper planes (that seem to always be the ones who have crashed / fallen out of the sky / have problems)? Let me know what you think!


At 8:01 PM, Blogger ETK said...

LOL, you are asking the wrong person because I get on one of those teeny tiny hopper planes almost weekly. :) I want to spend as much time with you as possible, but totally understand about it being a school night - so...if I were you, why don't you take the 3 pm flight? Did you verify that wasn't a small plane? I thought it was when we checked...let me know. Sending you my work email address now!


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