Everything's Pink

To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Royal Treatment

Okay - I'm going to try to get back on track (or was I ever on it?) with this posting thing. So much happens in between my posts that I forget some of the details.

The boys have started their football games, have actually played 4 games... lost all of them :( But they're having fun! I guess that's what is important. Their coach may be a little scattered in his thoughts, not on the same page with his assistant coaches, but he is funny, positive, and nice. I love seeing the boys in their uniforms -- it's the cutest thing EVER!

Mr. and I FINALLY had our trip to ATL!!! It was postponed a year thanks to Hurricane Rita. I was still very nervous and a little worried about causing another major devastation in this world - since every time we've had plans made with ETK, something awful happens (#1 - 9/11, #2 Rita). I guess 3rd times a charm :o)

We had the best time with ETK & hubby! It was great to completely leave our life-style behind for a while and live on the other side. A more grown-up side, a fancy side, a city side. Their condo was fabulous -- incredible views & looked like a magazine. Mr. loved watching the people outside on the street. Walking everywhere was fantastic! Considering that we have to drive everywhere we go - impossible to avoid the HWY in our neck-o woods. We were treated to all kinds of restaurants and new kinds of food - everything was delicious!

We did the campy-tourist stuff like "World of Coke" which was very interesting and I got a fabulous Coke can ornament for our tree! Of course I found it ironic when ETK and I both said, "I don't even like Coke. I'm more of a Dr. Pepper fan".

Turner Field was absolutely gorgeous! I loved the open-air concept. Much more enjoyable a game than at Enron. Cubbies lost :( but that's okay. We're used to it.

Discovered my new favorite drink too! COCO MOJITO! Had to run out and buy the stuff to make them. And hubby just likes to say the word :o)

Then our fairty tale vacation came to an end :( The clock stuck and our carriage turned back into a pumpkin. Back to our lives of kids and chaos.... just the way I like it :o)

Thank you, again, from the bottom of our hearts for inviting us to stay with you and treating us like royalty while we were there. We had the best time. And yes, although we live totally different live-styles now, it's great that after 19 years we can just pick up where we leave off and still be the very best of friends. And even though I could never live the life you do, I am proud of you and your accomplishments, am happy for you and your life, and will always love you like a sister. Without a doubt we each found our roles in life and are very happy with our choices. I love my Mom-World as much as you love your Business-World... and that's what makes the world go round :o)